Launch of self-checkout pilot at Digters, in partnership with ATOS Worldline

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Digters organic restaurant aims to reduce queues and improve customer experience at its daily lunch buffet with Poet Farmer’s self-checkout kiosk. The solution lets customers select the food items they’ve picked from the buffet  and complete the transaction by paying via a payment terminal. By allowing guests to take charge of their purchasing experience, Digters employees have greater flexibility in their roles and can serve guests in a more personal way.

The self check-out makes use of ATOS Worldline’s brand new solution for instore web payments. The integration between the self check-out and ATOS Worldline’s Valina payment terminal is completely web-based: the transactional value is communicated from the self check-out to the payment terminal. After (non-)payment, the payment status is sent back the other way.

“Our new self-checkout solution, developed in an agile way with Poet Farmer and ATOS Worldline, is delivering the ultimate enhanced customer experience and will help our restaurant with improving throughput and reducing operational cost,” said Rick van Engelen, restaurant manager of Digters.

After the pilot, Digters plans to extend the solution to its other restaurants. Poet Farmer is working on further standardizing the platform, so it’s suitable for implementation at other organisations, cafes, restaurants, hotels and schools as well.